We can help you to get back in touch with a missing relative/.
Our service is free, and nothing you tell us will be shared without your consent.
Find your nearest Red Cross or Red Crescent office.
Find the office in the country you’re currently living in.
Get in touch.
Contact your nearest office.
Provide us with as much information as you can.
Please tell us everything you can about your missing family member. We will then fill out a form using that information and share it with those who can help find your family and put you back in touch.
We will be there to help you every step of the way.
We will contact you as soon as we receive news of your missing relative. Our colleagues across the world will do everything they can to put you back in touch with your family or provide you with information about their fate.
However long it takes, we will work to find an answer.
Everything you tell us will be confidential. We will not share your information with anyone without asking you first.
And we will never charge you money for this service.
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